How i hate this creature...my lovely day yesterday ended with this 2 huge..ugly..furry...vicious..despicable and disgusting roaches...!!!!! i was home early then usual. Happily climbing the stairs I was stumped when I noticed these 2 sinful creatures at my bathroon door...dalam hati mmg cursing tak ingat ah..thinking it back pun dah tegak segala bulu roma yg ada..where the hell these to curseful creatures came from..???tak penah bilik aku nie kena ceroboh dgn benda2 camnih..if ada pun nyamuk jek..but then i realized sumthing..i remembered not closing one of the pipe openings after doing my weekly session of "mari mengemas bilik "
as fast as lightning i managed to grab my broom...still with terror..i tried to kill the roaches..i made it after 3 attemps. Did that while squatting on the toilet bowl hehehehe...when i just thought it was over i heard a very humble sound just behind my bathroom door...and THERE IT WAS..laki dia ke bini dia aku tak tau..ada lagi sekor...cinabenggggg!!!!!!! dah malas nk pukul..seksaan dia kejap sangat..so, i took the insect repellant by jumping from the toilet bowl straight out to the door...gila terer...:-D and without fail i aimed on its face..hambekk kau...i'm actually prolonging its agony before it finally died..memula rasa puas hati gila2...but thinking back...gila aku seksa dia..nanti kat akhirat dia balas balik..alamak..mcm mana nih....????