The picture above says it all. can u see the writings??? is actually and invitation to my cikonet's 1st bday party. it feels just like yesterday when i first cuddled him in my arms and everything turned perfect eversince. How akward it was to bfeed him and to bath him the first time hehehe...the feelings were undescribable and i was smitten with every movements he made. In fact, every milestone he reaches is a celebration to the family. We are so proud of you Emmil !!!
Mommy and daddy pray to God for all the happiness in the world to you and so that you'll be anak yang soleh and berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. May Allah blessed you with all the love in the world InsyaAllah. so, All of you reading this is invited..see ya..!
My Little Guy will turn 1 year old this 26th December 2007. I already bought him a pre birthday present. same goes with his nenek :-D i have ordered his birthday cake and today i need to see the caterer. I plan to have a small birthday party with friends and neighbours coming in. Nothing fancy. No clowns or music. Just balloons and simple decor to tok dedi's house.Hopefully all my plans work ! Aminnnnnn....