Hah! mana aci...nud dah ada new hobby..everytime he's with me he'll be whispering to my tummy..he claimed that he is communicating with the baby...previously I definitely hear every single word he whispered to the baby but now he refused to let me hear what he said...mana aci camnie...daddy ada komplot ngan baby ke..??? kot ye pun biar ah dia keluar dulu kalo nak ajak dia gi main futsal ke main bola ke..nak kena nih..!!!!!
haaa...kakak refused to sleep with me when nud's away..she told mummy that she dun want anything bad to happen...sbb dia takut ter'side kick' my tummy masa tido ehehehe..nanti terberanak plak dia ckp..taupun tido tuh buas...
I think i'm gonna get a combi/ graco stroller for baby..orange color..quinny is BIG TIME expensive...can't afford..tp kalo teddy ke...tok SP nak sponsor..ambik aaa hehehee...milk bottle lak beli avent..lg aper ye..syok gak surfing for baby punya goods nih...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Tgk sket..
Monday, July 10, 2006
Kancil McLaren dah kena jual..sob..sob

Yup..it's true...after 6 wonderful years..kancil McLaren dh kena jual..sob..sob..well, i was very reluctant to sell my kancil but I can't afford to avoid it unless aku ada byk duit ah nak maintain 2 kereta..jauh panggang dari api ah kan...kang ada yg tak cukup mkn...babah was the first one to come out with the idea of me having some sort of 'family' car. Obviously I knew that he doesn't want his cucu to ride kereta yg comel itu..mmglah gegar kalau lalu tepi lori hehehe...tak save kata dia..power tul future cucu nie influence teddy..oh nyway..teddy stands for tok+daddy= "teddy"...Babah requested for that...for mummy.."Nana" suits her well..:-D
Currently I'm commuting with my sayang's car..pinjam sat tau...till i decide what car to buy..my dream car...of course is beyond reach at the moment...ermmm...i just couldn't get my mind into what car i desire the most currently..I adore Jazz but my dad gave a red light to it..but mummy really approved it to bits! I really need to consider babah's preference as he'll be the one to subsidize the monthly installment...hehehe...mmg busuklah aku nie..dah kawin pun babah nak subsidize...tp rezeki jgn tolak ah..he said cucu punya pasal..alaaa..syoknya kalau mintak semua dia nak kasik pasal cucu kan...!!! gimme few days...and I'll come back with THE CHOSEN one of course...till then..stay tune!!!
p/s: sapa yg ckp keta nie dulu jual timbang kati je..puhleez aaa...dapat jual 17k lagi tuh...kihkihkih...
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