Friday, September 08, 2006

Ira..Leen doa kat Ira..!!!

Captured during my wedding at Nud's place on 4th Dec 05 together with Ira n Ted. They just got married 2 weeks earlier!!! uni fact she played very important role in my relationship with Nud. She was the one who provided me with Nud's mobile number since Ted Sancho her hubby stayed together with my hubby during Uni days kat Fasa 4 Tambahan tue laa..Jasamu dikenang ah Ira..:-D

At the moment, she is going through labour pain in Pantai Hospital, Bangsar. Called Ted and he said Ira is not having any contraction yet. Therefore I gave Ira a call. She sounded like normal..Hail to the future mummy...!!! You're such a brave mummy to be lah Ira...I can't imagine myself in your shoes..Oh Gawd!!! My time will come in 3 months time..Ya Allah..permudahkan lah segala-galanya nanti...Aminnnnnn

In the meantime..I just want you to know..Leen doakan yang terbaik untuk Ira..sempena hari yang berkat nih..Nisfu Syaaban..Allah permudahkan semuanya untuk Ira and also Ted Sancho..i'm eagerly waiting for Ted's msg about the birth of their bundle of joy..!!!!


Anonymous said...

thanks leen...!! ;)
hope i can get in shape in that pic!!

Anonymous said...

abis laaa nanti ..!!!
dia siat2 kulit tu ..
kekekeke ..

Emmil's mummy said...

ira:Boleh jer..jom nanti work out sama2 :-D

ted: Hantunya Ted...!!!