My Life is Complete....!!!
I dunno how to describe it..it was all worth it..the sufferings..the pain..it is too beautiful to be described with words.... :-D
Name :Emmil Eusoff Nuzaihan B. Mohd Izwan Nuzaihan
Weight : 3.5kg
Lenght : 53cm
Date of Birth : 26 December 2006
Arrival time : 7.45pm
alalala mcm pakai tudung lak dia..hehe
cute giler..!aunty ira can't wait to hold u!tunggu ya kitaorg sampai...hehe
congratssssssss leennn...srnknye tgk baby yg comel itu..akhirnya penat lelah membawa 'tembikai' itu berbaloi jua akhirnya :D..take care of urself & ur baby..slmt berpantang!
haaaa edleen, comey nya emmil
congratulations!! wahh lepas ni your life will be totally change huh, byk benda nak kena lalu, tapi takper tgk muka baby sejuk hati
lepas ni my turn pulak, wish me luck okke...
congrats!btw, what does emmil means?
Beb, he's soooo adorable. He's so cute. Huhu.. and I'm so proud of you! Congrats beb! You made it thru!
Congratss Leen..
Comei betoi!! sebijik muka mummy dia :)
irra: haaa..emmil cant wait to see aunty ira and uncle ted..not forgetting my first ever friend..mia aisha!!!
poshberry: haaa..akhirnya tak payah dah bawak tembikai hehehe..lega bb dah keluar..ringan jek perut :-D
newrin : insyaAllah ko ok..jgn mcm aku..cepat pancit..itu yg ke tingkap jua akhirnya...
nu|sance : Alhamdulillah :-D
kakpit : muka dia duk tukaq2..la nie muka nud plak dah hehehe
wahhh Mia&Emmil buat komplot la after this...*Gang Satu Line* ;) hehehehe xpe2 tunggu gang lain plak masuk pasni ek!!! :)
comeyyyyynye dia!!
ya Allah 3.5 kg? berat tuhh.. patutla u macam belon time pregnant tu.. hehehe.. takpe... it was all worth it kan?
comell sangat2 baby tuh... geram ni..
zura: haaa..tue la pasal..pancit meneran..kekeke..it's true..mmg worth it sgt..syok jek tgk muka dia..!!!kentut dia pun rasa wangii jek hahahahha
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