Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Emmil Eusoff Nuzaihan

My Life is Complete....!!!

I dunno how to describe it..it was all worth it..the sufferings..the pain..it is too beautiful to be described with words.... :-D

Name :Emmil Eusoff Nuzaihan B. Mohd Izwan Nuzaihan
Weight : 3.5kg
Lenght : 53cm
Date of Birth : 26 December 2006
Arrival time : 7.45pm

Saturday, December 16, 2006

BLom..Not yet....

As mentioned above, yes..my baby tak keluar lagi !!!! isk..isk...9 days left... berat okay !!!! My sayang is currently soooo excited waiting for his Jr to pop out..pantang ckp sakit perut je terus muka excited dia keluar...padahal sakit perut nak terberon kekekeke....

Monday, December 04, 2006

BBcot has arrived..!!!!

I always wanted a white bbcot for my bb..Thanks to my aunty and uncle or soon to be TokCiks for making my dream comes true..yeayyyy!!!!! I guess everything is ready now, just counting days for our bb to arrive ;-)