I'm in dilemma peeps..although this is far cry from life and death but still...i cant make up my mind..It is about Emmil strollers..i got 3 of them currently which neither of them cost a penny to me but still I cant help myself from planning to get another stroller for Emmil. This time, i'll have the chance to choose the design..the color and all according to my desire BUT this particular stroller that i'm eyeing on will dig a big hole in my pocket..adoilaaa parah betull...let me see my expenditure forcast for the next couple of months.
Need to book hotel for my Bandung trip - March RM400
Babah's Birthday - March RM300 ( beli kan shirt oklah kot kan )
Kakak's Birthday - March RM200 ( bagi cash )
Intel's team building - April RM100 ( buat beli sayur C.Highland)
Adik's Birthday - April RM200 ( bagi cash )
Hubby's Birthday - April RM400 ( Igt nak belikan kasut )
Damai Laut trip - April RM300 ( consider bday present for nud )
Parent's Anniversary - May RM300 ( belanja dinner )
Bandung Trip - June RM1.5k (blanja beli bj sendiri+baby)
Road tax & Insurance - July RM3.3k (ini yg paling parah)
SEE! in 4 months to come i'll be spending that much money for something that is outside from my monthly expenditure..bagaimanakah itu..? looks like there's no space for my pocket to include this "mahal-punya-stroller" cian Emmil.. :-( On the other hand..adakah ada peluang aku untuk membodek para atuk bagi mendapatkan stroller yang turut menjadi idaman ira ini????