Sunday, March 02, 2008


Humble friends, i would like to really ( 1000x) apologize for saying this. I am cancelling my plan to sell Emmil's shoes ( earlier entry ) due to my mom's request. My mom has this sentimental urge about things like these. She forbids me to sell emmil's shoes as she considered them as very precious and worth treasured . Even until now she still keeps my first shoes ( several of them actually :-D) and to my suprise my 2 piece bikini also hahaha..dah 27 years fellas !!! true enuff, i cant stop smiling when i saw those things..terasa cute tiba2 hahaha...
but then no worries, i still have another shoe to let a in color..will post the picture soon. yg nih my mom tak object lak nak jual..maybe sbb dia tak nampak sgt pun emmil pakai ehehehe..tapi emmil pun sempat pakai 3x jek pastu tak muat dah !@

chupp..korang nak tak stroller?


Anonymous said...

stroller apa?
kalu sweet cherr saya nakkk

Anonymous said...

just curious, y do u buy designer stuffs and advertise it for re-sale after using it?? dont you think it totally defeats the idea of buying designer stuffs!!! i think its so cheapskate to buy expensive stuffs for our bundle of joy and sell it again. i buy designer stuffs for my boy and most of his stuffs like his shoes only last him for 3 months... i just donate it to the orphanage home or i just give it away but hav enever sold it....

Emmil's mummy said...

hi anonymous,

thanks for visiting my blog the same time giving ur 2 cents. Well, what i want to do is solely my business and not yours.u think is cheapskate lantak u lah..main thing i tak guna ur money kan..owh..this is my 2 cents pulak..baguslaa kasi ur DESIGNER STUFFS TO ORPHANAGE..for me buat baik tak payah bagitau orang nanti jadik tak ikhlas..*peace !
by the way..why guna anonymous ek?

marinahunny said...

hi..i really enjoy read your much fun and very mouth x tutup coz asyik gelak je baca your blog..and i love to read bout your emmil...