had this conversation with ma fren yesterday about wedding preparations..we both wondered how a perfect wedding will look like..what really contributes to a perfect wedding...is it the venue of the wedding on top of KLCC ke..the hantaran..the most beautiful and glamorous pelamin Pak Abu buat....Baju pengantin rizalman buat....how much the hantaran is...20 ribu ker..50 ribu ker..and macam2 lagi lah...After the long conversation then both of us came to our consenses that a perfect wedding lies in the eyes of the beholder..it doesn't have to be all "the most expensive wedding" right..what's the use of spending 50-100k when not all our loved once are there to witness the special moments.. but somehow deep in our hearts is wondering...agak-agak ok tak kalau mcm nie :
1) Cadar and bilik pengantin nyer decor - beli kat India
2) Kain baju nikah - beli kat Dubai
3) Hantaran kasut, handbag( Dior/LV/Prada/Balenciaga ) - beli kat London
4) Wedding cards,kain baju sanding - beli Jakarta
5) Carpet rumah ( Handmade) - beli kat Turki
6) Baju for family - beli kat Singapore
7) Watch ( hantaran ) - Patek Philippe / Rolex
then at the end of the "angan-angan mat jenin "wedding conversation..this question arised.
Her : Pompuan ko rasa sapa nak kawin ngan aku kalau mcm ni
Me : ermppppp...long silence....
But for me, the day when all the people that i love and cherish....together witnessing the very special moment in mylife when i officially become his wife during the akad is alrady " MY PERFECT WEDDING "
p/s:Bet..apa lagi ek? aku dah lupa ah...
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