I'm currently reading this book. A very good friend of mine gave it to me. She said it was very good for first time mother...I've read like 30 pages already and I really adore the content..easy to understand and yet filled with lotsa baby pics...comell gilerrr..Owh..besides that,i do read the D70 manual as well..ntah bila ah nak tunggu tedroz ajar nih..some sort of preparation before my bb arrives..nanti mommy terer aaa tangkap gambar bb!!!..click! click!...

My hippo exposed it's sexy buttock last nite..tunjuk sexy plak..Ermmmm...I'd better get a small hippo for my bb..nanti takderlah mommy n bb rebut the same hippo ye dak hehehe :-D Pening dedi hehehe...
tak kemana nye duk baca manual tuu ..
bawak2 laa baca yassin plak pasni yer ..
yahhh..nw is d time 2read/surf/learn n get prepared for d arrival of ur lil' one...
really it helps :)
ira: u're absolutely right ira...hopefully i can finish reading this book befor I POP!
TEd: CEss...dia gok yg suruh kita baca manual tuh..isk..isk..
hahaha... best2 tau ada D70 tu... aku pun tak sabar nak amik gmbr baby comey2 nnt...
aku dok membodek laki aku sruh dia beli D200 pastu D70s dia tu kasi kat aku hehehe..baru gempak skit...
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