aaaaa...i dont understand why i always have crush on doctors..last night at my home, all eyes were glued the tv. At channel 588 astro there was the live telecast on the 1st Malaysia angkasawan blasts off to the orbit..gilerrr cool huh...and the luckiest person in malaysia is dr sheikh muzaphar..my instict told me that he's gonna get it as early as they presented us with the final 10 candidates. come on laa..malaysia pun ada taste jugak..he got style...and i really envy his red tie...he was always in that tie...owh with that i plan to get nud the red tie as well hehehe....this sheikh is gonna be the icon...sure enuff his face gonna be published in buku2 budak sekolah rendah n menengah...takkanla..nak tunjuk our 1st astronout mcm muka bangla constructions right.
salute to him for his bravery. was talking to my mom while watching the launching.."mummy, kalau anak mummy is the chosen one, would u give ur blessings? " mummy replied " iskkk takmaulaa...lom tentu dia blk selamat...takmau laa mummy hilang anak " me " eh ok per...besok bolehla mummy brag around..anak den nie haa..baru balik angkaso...mano ado anak org lain laieee yg dapek gi sano " my mom " iskk budak nih "...rileks laa mummy..in the world nowdays, people always brag about their children success...owh baru balik oversea lah hapa...but to this sheikh parents they have move 1 level ahead..his son just came back from the galaxy...mcm dalam citer star wars lak kan...power!!!! but then peggy whitson tuh lagi laaa dasyat..she's the commander..and she actually gonna stay there for at least 2 months..perghhhh....pompuan tuuuuu.....
salute to him for his bravery. was talking to my mom while watching the launching.."mummy, kalau anak mummy is the chosen one, would u give ur blessings? " mummy replied " iskkk takmaulaa...lom tentu dia blk selamat...takmau laa mummy hilang anak " me " eh ok per...besok bolehla mummy brag around..anak den nie haa..baru balik angkaso...mano ado anak org lain laieee yg dapek gi sano " my mom " iskk budak nih "...rileks laa mummy..in the world nowdays, people always brag about their children success...owh baru balik oversea lah hapa...but to this sheikh parents they have move 1 level ahead..his son just came back from the galaxy...mcm dalam citer star wars lak kan...power!!!! but then peggy whitson tuh lagi laaa dasyat..she's the commander..and she actually gonna stay there for at least 2 months..perghhhh....pompuan tuuuuu.....
as i admire him sooo much for his bravery..ya right...more on his looks actually and not forgetting that he is a doctor...my sistas mentioned about how sheikh and beckham actually share something in common. before i can came up with anything specific..my sis just spilled it out loud..suara dia halus aa kak leen...tak proportionate with his body la....yeker haaa..tak penah dgr lak dia ckp...takper lah later when he comes back..i'll steal some time to have dinner at rebung bangsar. hopefully my luck...leh laaa tgk dier hehehe...dream on leen....pandai lebih aa budak2 nih....lantakla..
excerpt from the star :
He spent his time reading the Quran and conducting sembahyang hajat, and calling his family and loved one.<---who's the lucky girl heh..sure kembang hidung lepas nih..ada chance jadik datin aaa...
credits to mstar for these pictures
kakakkaka siot aa ko leen!ada ke kata 'takkan nk 1st angkasawan muka cam bangla'!hahah takbaek ko leen,bias bias!u and org2 muka 'jambu'!sib' dpt laki muka cam jambu gak..hihi
ok,slamat hari raya!
kakakkaka siot aa ko leen!ada ke kata 'takkan nk 1st angkasawan muka cam bangla'!hahah takbaek ko leen,bias bias!u and org2 muka 'jambu'!sib' dpt laki muka cam jambu gak..hihi
ok,slamat hari raya!
hi edleen,
baru abis baca blog u nih.. terhook up plak, seriyesly, you mmg chatterbox.. the reason for my commenting is.. reading your citer is like deja vu to me.. maybe mmg life sume org agak similar.. but then i just can't help commenting on the resemblance..
sek. agama, bahasa arab.. samala kita.
me used to work in FTZ bayan lepas, lotsa work, gaji twice a month (me enjoyed that one),away from hubby&family staying in KL, masa preggie pun.. me lived all alone back then, i rented a house just for myself.. saw hubby only on weekends, sometimes took bus from penang to KL after work on Fri & arrive late nite.. oo psl parents risau keta kecik bile tgh preggy tu, sama tapi me got lucky, i got myself a jazz, byr monthly half dr full amount dia sbb subsidized jugak.. (tukar keta dgn bonda!)
kid's arrival by c-section sbb mum dia takut giler.. same thing happen to my hphone, saliva-coated.. terus malfunction.. bandung's time: best gile kalau dpt supir yg cool ni.. & psl stroller, after so-so thought, me amik combi yg rebranding punye, salesgal tu kata same quality tapi rege murah sket, so diorg renaming jek.. tapi after nearly 3 yrs, that stroller has put up so much for our babies.. & it really worth every penny we spent!
thanks for telling your stories.. tersengeh2 kat sini sbb the familiarities bring back sweet memories!
hahaha apa kata ko start train emmil utk jadi the next malaysian to go to the outerspace..
btw, aku perasan kan sheikh tu senyum mcm nud la skit, maybe that's why ko ada crush with him :)
nway selamat hari raya. bila emmil nak dtg jmpa aunty untuk collect duit raya??
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