Kembar anak penjual goreng pisang catat 9A
TASEK GELUGOR 22 Dis. - Bapa mereka hanyalah seorang penjual goreng pisang tetapi kemiskinan keluarga tidak menghalang pasangan kembar Siti Hajar Shahid dan Siti Zaleha Shahid memperoleh 9A dalam Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) yang diumumkan hari ini.
Malah, kedua-dua pelajar berusia 15 tahun itu berkata, kesusahan bapa mereka menyara keluarga menjadi pendorong utama untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh bagi mengubah nasib keluarga pada masa depan.
Siti Zaleha berkata, mereka cukup terharu apabila melihat ketabahan bapa mereka bekerja menjual goreng pisang dan cucur udang dengan sumber pendapatan tidak menentu setiap hari.
``Kejayaan kami ini merupakan hadiah daripada kami kepada ibu bapa yang banyak bersusah payah dan sentiasa memberi dorongan untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh,'' katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Al-Irshad di sini hari ini.
Pasangan kembar yang berasal dari Kampung Permatang Sireh, Bukit Mertajam itu merupakan di antara 55 orang pelajar yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang 9A dalam PMR di sekolah berkenaan.
Menurut Siti Zaleha, kesusahan keluarganya itu tidak pernah dijadikan alasan untuk mengabaikan pelajaran, sebaliknya menjadi pembakar semangat untuk membuktikan bahawa golongan kurang berkemampuan juga boleh mencapai keputusan cemerlang dalam pelajaran.
``Apabila ayah balik dari berniaga walaupun dalam keadaan letih, dia terus tengok-tengok buku dan kerja sekolah kami manakala ibu pula banyak beri nasihat supaya belajar rajin-rajin,'' katanya yang bercita-cita menjadi seorang jurutera komputer suatu hari nanti.
Siti Hajar pula berkata, disebabkan kurang berkemampuan untuk membeli buku-buku rujukan, mereka kerap mengulang kaji pelajaran di perpustakaan sekolah yang menyediakan banyak bahan bacaan.
``Saya tidak menyangka dapat 9A kerana percubaan sebelum ini hanya dapat 7A tetapi syukur dengan keputusan ini, lebih-lebih lagi saya berasa seronok dan puas hati mendapat A dalam Matematik dan Sains yang diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris,'' katanya yang bercita-cita menjadi pensyarah.
Pasangan kembar dari empat beradik itu banyak membuat latihan dan hafalan selain memberi tumpuan penuh dalam kelas
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Pick ur Sign.....
Great Kisser. Very high sex appeal.
Awesome in bed. Eager to learn.
Caring. Smart. Center of attention. Too Sexy, DAMN IT.Cute.
Very high sex appeal. Has the last word. Extremely wired but in a good way
Very gentle. Nice. Love is one of a kind. Silly and fun!
Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet!
GREAT in Bed.
Sassy. Intelligent. REALLY Sexy. Predicts future.silly.
Irrestible, awesome kisser. Great talker.caring.
Trustworthy. Sexy. Rare to find*. Loves being
in long relationships. Extremly energetic.
Great in bed, the BEST lovers.
Outgoing. Spontanious. No one to fuck with.
Have own unique sexiness. Unpredictable. Erotic.
Funny. Addictive. Take you on trips to the moon in bed.
Aggressive. freak in bed. loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
Extremly outgoing. Outstanding kisser.
Great talker. EXTREMELY Sexy. LOVE IS ONE OF A KIND. Faithful and trustworthy. Always gets what he or she wants
Laid back. Great kisser.
Dominant in relationships.Sexy.Horny.Freak in bed.
Always wants the last word.Loud.Caring. intellegent
sexy. Talkative.
Energetic. Most erotic.Freak in bed.GREAT kisser.
not one to mess with. always get what they want.
Spontanious. Horny.High sex appeal.
Rare to find. kinky.
Loves being in long relationships.
NICE. trust worthy. very good in bed.
LOVER NOT A FIGHTER . great kissers.
they know what they want. 100% sexy
Great Kisser. Very high sex appeal.
Awesome in bed. Eager to learn.
Caring. Smart. Center of attention. Too Sexy, DAMN IT.Cute.
Very high sex appeal. Has the last word. Extremely wired but in a good way
Very gentle. Nice. Love is one of a kind. Silly and fun!
Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet!
GREAT in Bed.
Sassy. Intelligent. REALLY Sexy. Predicts future.silly.
Irrestible, awesome kisser. Great talker.caring.
Trustworthy. Sexy. Rare to find*. Loves being
in long relationships. Extremly energetic.
Great in bed, the BEST lovers.
Outgoing. Spontanious. No one to fuck with.
Have own unique sexiness. Unpredictable. Erotic.
Funny. Addictive. Take you on trips to the moon in bed.
Aggressive. freak in bed. loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
Extremly outgoing. Outstanding kisser.
Great talker. EXTREMELY Sexy. LOVE IS ONE OF A KIND. Faithful and trustworthy. Always gets what he or she wants
Laid back. Great kisser.
Dominant in relationships.Sexy.Horny.Freak in bed.
Always wants the last word.Loud.Caring. intellegent
sexy. Talkative.
Energetic. Most erotic.Freak in bed.GREAT kisser.
not one to mess with. always get what they want.
Spontanious. Horny.High sex appeal.
Rare to find. kinky.
Loves being in long relationships.
NICE. trust worthy. very good in bed.
LOVER NOT A FIGHTER . great kissers.
they know what they want. 100% sexy
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Love this song..yup..yup..yup!!!!

Apa yang ku katakan
Apa yang ku rasakan
Belum pernah dialami
Demimu segala ku kurniakan
Susah ku senangkan
Apa sahaja dipenuhi
Di hati
Dan masih lagi engkau bertanya
Sejauh manakah cinta
Penjelasan ku sebenar-benarnya;
Sampai tubuh tak bernyawa
Sampai ku ke pangkuannya
Biar jasad tak dilihat zahir
Cintaku kan tetapkan hadir
Andai dikurnia syurga kan ku tunggu di luarnya
Jika ditanya mengapa
Jawapan ku menunggu..
Kau sampai dahulu..
Mudahnya sekadar bermadah
Hingga kau meragui keikhlasan sanubari
Sedangkan racun pun kan ku telan
Andai kau menyatakan ia madu kepadaku
Oh sungguh..
Dan masih lagi kau bertanya
Sedalam manakah cinta
Lafaz ikrarku buat selamanya...
Katakan sayang..
bagaimanakah harus ku hidup.. tanpa dirimu
Sedangkan separuhnya di jiwaku, bersamamu...
Sampai tubuh tak bernyawa
Sampai ku kepangkuannya
Biar jasad tak dilihat zahir..
Cintaku tetapkan hadir...
Andai dikurnia syurga..
Kan ku tunggu di luarnya
Jika ditanya mengapa
Jawapan ku menunggu kau sampai dahulu..
Ohh... Kau sampai padaku..
****Feeling a bit jiwang today****
p/s: excited nk beli baju raya this weekend...yeay!!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Weiii..dah nak RAYA..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selamat Berpuasa Everybody..!!!!!! As of today...I wanna have a fresh start on mylife..just like this pokok I captured in front of my house...actually there's more pokoks tp tak larat nk capture semua...but if the time permits..I'll do it one day... :-)
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Sunday, October 02, 2005
I Ain't No Complaining ...Cherishing the BEauty Of God's Creation..I am Now...

She's sooooooooooo pretty....!!! This body is really to die for... !!!!!! and not forgetting the outfit by Rizalman lah...
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I never Complain - Dato' Azhar Mansor
Praise to him but I'm no Angel !!!
I do complain when :
1) The tudung I'm wearing kemik2 ( this happened when salah iron actually !!!)
2) Somebody is not punctual ( Menyampah aku kalau org lambat )
3) The food is not Yummy after u've waited like forever to taste the food
4) No Parking Lot in KHTP !!!..I hate this soooooo muchhh...I hate walking for such a long distance in the morning...i don't need to burn my calories that much u know..
5) When the ATM machine is not working while I'm so miskin papa kedana ada dua posen jer dlm purse...dulu masa student takder lak mcm nie..
6) I gave the toll lady 50 bucks for RM1.30 nyer toll..Confirm dia bengang ah coz she ended up giving me RM48.70 in i RM1 note...what the TUTTTTTT !!!!
7) I already lock the and gate and feeling happy to get to work when suddenly I realize I haven't check whether the iron is still switched on or off...Thanks to my dad for making me paranoid after my neighbour's house got burnt because they did not switched off the iron after using it.
8) I Switch On the ignition key just to find out my car is running outta fuel. (Selalu lak tuh but i thought i'm driving the most less consumption fuel car in Malaysia..!!)
9) I'm eating and some stupid idiot moron still having gutts to smoke. Busuklah..korang igt asap rokok tue wangi...!!! I wish u'll be diagnose with the bloody cancer..die happily and rot in HELL...!!!!!
10) ada makcik2 tegur " dah besar dah " well..mmg aa dah besar....takkan 10 tahun tak jumpa duk besar2 tue jugak...itu retarded nama dia makcik..
11) I wake up in the morning just to find out IT IS MONDAYYYY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!..i just hate monday..can it be renamed???? ..SUckiiiDay is LOVELY...
12) I'm being compelled to lie just to cover my fiends asses..I wont do that already..That's gonna be my 2006 Resolution besides having a child of my own laaa..hahahahaha
13)I'm swamped with work ^%^&$&*^^*%..!!!!!
14)I have no work at all having said i've done them now..!! I'm so bored...!!!!!! I dunno wht to do so here I am writing this CRAP..!!!!
That's all for the time brain doesn't wanna work witk me anymore...There's actually more... TO BE CONTINUED
P/S: Specially to Jaemy..Thanks alot for the Butter Steak..Nice ride with WJK..!!!!
For Mok <--camnie ker eja..Nice knowing ya..!!!
Shah, I'll come out with a creative idea for yer dinner kay...!
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I do complain when :
1) The tudung I'm wearing kemik2 ( this happened when salah iron actually !!!)
2) Somebody is not punctual ( Menyampah aku kalau org lambat )
3) The food is not Yummy after u've waited like forever to taste the food
4) No Parking Lot in KHTP !!!..I hate this soooooo muchhh...I hate walking for such a long distance in the morning...i don't need to burn my calories that much u know..
5) When the ATM machine is not working while I'm so miskin papa kedana ada dua posen jer dlm purse...dulu masa student takder lak mcm nie..
6) I gave the toll lady 50 bucks for RM1.30 nyer toll..Confirm dia bengang ah coz she ended up giving me RM48.70 in i RM1 note...what the TUTTTTTT !!!!
7) I already lock the and gate and feeling happy to get to work when suddenly I realize I haven't check whether the iron is still switched on or off...Thanks to my dad for making me paranoid after my neighbour's house got burnt because they did not switched off the iron after using it.
8) I Switch On the ignition key just to find out my car is running outta fuel. (Selalu lak tuh but i thought i'm driving the most less consumption fuel car in Malaysia..!!)
9) I'm eating and some stupid idiot moron still having gutts to smoke. Busuklah..korang igt asap rokok tue wangi...!!! I wish u'll be diagnose with the bloody cancer..die happily and rot in HELL...!!!!!
10) ada makcik2 tegur " dah besar dah " well..mmg aa dah besar....takkan 10 tahun tak jumpa duk besar2 tue jugak...itu retarded nama dia makcik..
11) I wake up in the morning just to find out IT IS MONDAYYYY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!..i just hate monday..can it be renamed???? ..SUckiiiDay is LOVELY...
12) I'm being compelled to lie just to cover my fiends asses..I wont do that already..That's gonna be my 2006 Resolution besides having a child of my own laaa..hahahahaha
13)I'm swamped with work ^%^&$&*^^*%..!!!!!
14)I have no work at all having said i've done them now..!! I'm so bored...!!!!!! I dunno wht to do so here I am writing this CRAP..!!!!
That's all for the time brain doesn't wanna work witk me anymore...There's actually more... TO BE CONTINUED
P/S: Specially to Jaemy..Thanks alot for the Butter Steak..Nice ride with WJK..!!!!
For Mok <--camnie ker eja..Nice knowing ya..!!!
Shah, I'll come out with a creative idea for yer dinner kay...!
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Sayang...I love u...!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heard this song for the first time and fell in love with it...!!!
When u Say U Love Me - Josh Groban
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breathe.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.
And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?
**Apsal tetiba jiwang nih ??? **
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When u Say U Love Me - Josh Groban
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breathe.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive
You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.
And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?
**Apsal tetiba jiwang nih ??? **
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Had this conversation few days back :
Her : Hello..can i speak to Miss Edleen
Me : Yes, speaking
Her : Hi...I'm caliing from ****** Agency. This is regarding your trip to Bali. I would like to confirm the details of your bookings .
Me : Excellent
Her : Can i have your Flight No. please
Me : AK900
Her : ok...18900
Me : is A..K..900...Australia Karachi 900
Her : *long silence*
Me : Hello...hello
Her : Err...miss...Australia ? Karachi? i thought you're going to Bali miss Edleen
Me : Hahahaha...(evil laughter)
I admit..I'm bad..but the laughter just came out of nowhere...Hahahahah...
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Her : Hello..can i speak to Miss Edleen
Me : Yes, speaking
Her : Hi...I'm caliing from ****** Agency. This is regarding your trip to Bali. I would like to confirm the details of your bookings .
Me : Excellent
Her : Can i have your Flight No. please
Me : AK900
Her : ok...18900
Me : is A..K..900...Australia Karachi 900
Her : *long silence*
Me : Hello...hello
Her : Err...miss...Australia ? Karachi? i thought you're going to Bali miss Edleen
Me : Hahahaha...(evil laughter)
I admit..I'm bad..but the laughter just came out of nowhere...Hahahahah...
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Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Silent Prayers....
Zacky...kami doa hangpa dpt keja cepat..lepas tue hangpa takleh ambik cuti hahaha..terseksa 6 months..time tue kami lak nak ambik cuti's been 4 months already...2 months 2 go...NAK AMBIK CUTI !!!!!! arghhhhh
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Sunday, July 03, 2005
Something To Ponder
Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
tanah sebidang mudah terjual
Meski telah memiliki telaga
Tangan masih memegang tali
Sedang orang mencapai timba.
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi
Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri.
Posted by Picasa
Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
tanah sebidang mudah terjual
Meski telah memiliki telaga
Tangan masih memegang tali
Sedang orang mencapai timba.
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi
Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Wedding galore

had this conversation with ma fren yesterday about wedding preparations..we both wondered how a perfect wedding will look like..what really contributes to a perfect it the venue of the wedding on top of KLCC ke..the hantaran..the most beautiful and glamorous pelamin Pak Abu buat....Baju pengantin rizalman much the hantaran is...20 ribu ker..50 ribu ker..and macam2 lagi lah...After the long conversation then both of us came to our consenses that a perfect wedding lies in the eyes of the doesn't have to be all "the most expensive wedding" right..what's the use of spending 50-100k when not all our loved once are there to witness the special moments.. but somehow deep in our hearts is wondering...agak-agak ok tak kalau mcm nie :
1) Cadar and bilik pengantin nyer decor - beli kat India
2) Kain baju nikah - beli kat Dubai
3) Hantaran kasut, handbag( Dior/LV/Prada/Balenciaga ) - beli kat London
4) Wedding cards,kain baju sanding - beli Jakarta
5) Carpet rumah ( Handmade) - beli kat Turki
6) Baju for family - beli kat Singapore
7) Watch ( hantaran ) - Patek Philippe / Rolex
then at the end of the "angan-angan mat jenin "wedding conversation..this question arised.
Her : Pompuan ko rasa sapa nak kawin ngan aku kalau mcm ni
Me : ermppppp...long silence....
But for me, the day when all the people that i love and cherish....together witnessing the very special moment in mylife when i officially become his wife during the akad is alrady " MY PERFECT WEDDING "
p/s:Bet..apa lagi ek? aku dah lupa ah...
Posted by Hello
Sunday, June 19, 2005

watched them last nite...and damn they were almost a perfect couple...I envy angelina jolie sooooo muchhh....:-)
Posted by Hello
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Don't call me pervert or yang sewaktu dengannya...I was glancing through several photopages when i saw this special one. The moment i saw heart and my body shivers..adehh...sakitnyaaa...mcm nie ker kena history revealed that my ambition masa darjah 1 nak jadi doktor but now looking at this...rasa mcm eeee...darah....ya Allah..sakitnya...argghhh pening...nak pitammm....
The conversation :
Me: sayang..sunat sakit tak?
Him : Ala..sakit sikit ja..mcm semut ketit(gigit)
Me : Ala..kalo sakit pun...sakit lagi pompuan beranak...(terus emo)
This conversation was meant to warn all the guys out there about how painful it is giving birth to a child...kalo stakat sakit perut..sembelit ker...buasir ker apa...senggugut ker...sakit tue mcm besar semut jek..sakit bersalin besar gajah..betul tak mummy...sayang...2 org cukup la kan...heheehe
Posted by Hello
Monday, June 13, 2005
What do Ya Think???
1. Don't ever lie to us; we always find out.
2. We don't enjoy talking dirty to you as much as
you enjoy listening.
3. Don't say you understand when you don't.
4. Girls are pretty, but yours is ALWAYS the
5. You don't have PMS; don't freakin act like you
know what it's like.
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the
hook; doing something sweet will always get you
off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big D***; we know you
8. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls
that want real relationships.
9. We don't like it when you act like Mr. Big.
10. A system in your car only impresses your
homeboys not us.
11. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a
12. It's good to be sensitive, sometimes.
13. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't,
14. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won't
always cut it.
15. We are self-conscious by nature; we can't help
16. We are DrAmA queens.
17. Fashion police do exist.
18. Don't ask us to give u h**d; if you are nice you
just might get it.
19. We absolutely DO NOT care about monster
trucks, car systems, paintball, or anything else
you and your friends talk about... in other words
shut the f*** up
20. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.
21. We don't shave our legs everyday so get over
22. Don't make bets about us; we will always find
23. Shave; no matter how cool you think your
goatee or beard or mustache looks, we always
hate it.
24. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit
other strange gases from your body, it isnt, so
25. Don't compare our breasts with Pamela
Anderson's; hers are fake, just remember that. ( u
have a better shot at ours than you ever will with
hers, you may as well give it up now)
26. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets.
27. We are beautiful at all times.
28. We will always think we are fat, so humor us
and tell us we aren't.
29. You can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock
down big fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a
stick, so why the heck can't you pee in the toilet
and not on it.
30. Most importantly: we are always right; so don't
forget it!!
2. We don't enjoy talking dirty to you as much as
you enjoy listening.
3. Don't say you understand when you don't.
4. Girls are pretty, but yours is ALWAYS the
5. You don't have PMS; don't freakin act like you
know what it's like.
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the
hook; doing something sweet will always get you
off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big D***; we know you
8. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls
that want real relationships.
9. We don't like it when you act like Mr. Big.
10. A system in your car only impresses your
homeboys not us.
11. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a
12. It's good to be sensitive, sometimes.
13. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't,
14. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won't
always cut it.
15. We are self-conscious by nature; we can't help
16. We are DrAmA queens.
17. Fashion police do exist.
18. Don't ask us to give u h**d; if you are nice you
just might get it.
19. We absolutely DO NOT care about monster
trucks, car systems, paintball, or anything else
you and your friends talk about... in other words
shut the f*** up
20. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.
21. We don't shave our legs everyday so get over
22. Don't make bets about us; we will always find
23. Shave; no matter how cool you think your
goatee or beard or mustache looks, we always
hate it.
24. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit
other strange gases from your body, it isnt, so
25. Don't compare our breasts with Pamela
Anderson's; hers are fake, just remember that. ( u
have a better shot at ours than you ever will with
hers, you may as well give it up now)
26. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets.
27. We are beautiful at all times.
28. We will always think we are fat, so humor us
and tell us we aren't.
29. You can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock
down big fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a
stick, so why the heck can't you pee in the toilet
and not on it.
30. Most importantly: we are always right; so don't
forget it!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Macam familiar jer nama kedai nih...
Pengurus restoran dipenjara kerana telur rebus tercemar
PUTRAJAYA 7 Jun - Seorang pengurus sebuah restoran sanggup menjalani hukuman penjara dua hari dan membayar denda sebanyak RM6,000 yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah Majistret Kajang hari ini selepas mengaku salah mewakili premis itu menjual telur rebus dan sambal kerang tercemar.
Pengurus yang hanya dikenali sebagai Wahid berusia lewat 20-an mengaku bersalah bagi pihak Hassan Cafe yang beralamat No. 107, Jalan 8/1, Seksyen 8, Bandar Baru Bangi dekat sini.
selamat dah tak study kat uniten..otherwise ada laa aku yang keracunan makanan...uwekkk..uwekkk...kot ye pun nk untung banyak takkan recycle masak kerang dgn telur tue banyak2 kali...duhhhhhhhhh.....
PUTRAJAYA 7 Jun - Seorang pengurus sebuah restoran sanggup menjalani hukuman penjara dua hari dan membayar denda sebanyak RM6,000 yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah Majistret Kajang hari ini selepas mengaku salah mewakili premis itu menjual telur rebus dan sambal kerang tercemar.
Pengurus yang hanya dikenali sebagai Wahid berusia lewat 20-an mengaku bersalah bagi pihak Hassan Cafe yang beralamat No. 107, Jalan 8/1, Seksyen 8, Bandar Baru Bangi dekat sini.
selamat dah tak study kat uniten..otherwise ada laa aku yang keracunan makanan...uwekkk..uwekkk...kot ye pun nk untung banyak takkan recycle masak kerang dgn telur tue banyak2 kali...duhhhhhhhhh.....
Monday, June 06, 2005
It's now the month of June..I think this is my 3rd Blog..bangang tul..i might want to ask what happened to the other usual..i forgot both the username and password..silly me...dah tua brain doesn't wanna work with me job..and new home.. for me..currenty I'm working with Intel Kulim..really miss my old office in KKM, Jalan Cenderasari..rasa untung sgt at this young age <---- wonder if this is still true :-) dapat experience working in both private and government sector. 9 monts in the gov..tak menghampakan i might say..learned a perception towards them pun dah berubah..dulu my perception was..."gov lembab nak mampus"..."menyusahkan orang"..."lambat"...but now...i'd rather say that i'm sorry for wht i've said and practically i salute them for what they are doing. Banyak tau keja diorang..i think the wrong perception came up bila kita deal with the front line laa...yg tue makcik2 nak pencen dah..jenis beborak bagai nk rak semua...dat one takleh ubahla..biarlah diorang ngabihkan sisa2 idup diorang..hehe..but then kalau tgk the officers yg keja di blkg tabir..banyak gila keja..imagine me..dealing with all the contract doctors..all of them foreigners...mmg sucksss..belagak nak mampus diorang tuh..padahal..speaking pun tak betul...demand tak tentu arah..dahla busuk...mau aku tutup hidung... nafas ikut mulut bila diorang dtg jumpa hehehe...seriously...mmg susah keja kerajaan especially when u deal with people...i prefer working with machine, tak payah citer panjang i am working with the machine again..rasa tenang, peeps out there...jangan kutuk gomen sgt...i know that some of u pun blaja pinjam duit gomen tapi nk bayar liat gak..hahahaha...
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