Banyak sgt benda2 best jadik in mylife all through these years...i've been blessed with sooo many wonderful moments and I wanna thank God for His blessings and kindness...Alhamdulillah....
At the moment..rasa takut...afraid that i might forget Him during my happy times and only turn to Him during the downfall...takmau sgt jadi mcm tuh..takmau lupa diri... We should remember Him during our ups and downs..
I am so grateful for all the things He has given me...great families...wonderful marriage... a very humble n lovely husband..and now..the baby I'm carrying in my womb...the miracle of life is happening to me..!!!! Alhamdulillah...
Oh..a quick one..last check up i did..the doc said the baby i am carrying might be a boy...nampak 'punai' kihkihkihkih...hopefully bukan the tali pusat ah...well, i don't mind kalau girl pun..janji bb sihat....tp kalau boy sure teddy n nana suka sgt since all my siblings perempuan...
Talking bout nud...future daddy tgh risau..since we are distance apart..dia takut the bb tak sayang dia..sbb he only managed to rub my tummy n talk to the baby on weekends..dia ckp nanti baby tak sayang dia..sedey plak dgr dia ckp mcm tuh..mana ada daddy hehehe...takkan la baby tak sayang..daddy dia...tambah2 plak esok pakai baju sama..rambut sama...kasut sama..sure dia saaaaaaaaaayang punya ah..hehehehe...
Baby...nanti daddy blk..don't forget to kick harder..but then wait for the right time...when daddy letak jer telinga dia kat perut..time tuh aaa..side kick skali heheheh..daddy tak puas hati since he can't feel your movement yet..but I DID!!!!!
Leen.. sweet lah ko.. tetiba je aku terasa rindu kat ko. :P Take care sweeetie~
awww how cute daddynud!
cant wait for our babies to be friends..like us too ;)
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