sukanyaaa diaaa...

apa kena ah dia nih
I know that Ct n DK's fairytale wedding irritate us most tp apsal tetiba lak pompuan nih enterframe..what she did i think it's cheap..cukupla...I'm not mawi's fan but somehow i adore the way he made all the statements..unlike Ina..i think she was trying to deviate people's attention to her...
hehehe...!! true...
actually i understand camana mawi rasa... the actual script that i used when my friends ask kenapa clash with my ex.. (satu kelas ) sebenarnye time tu saham tgh naik.. dah jadi senior!! hehe so saja lor gatal nak clash... biasak lar! lelaki beb!! but tu zaman young and dangerous dulu... heheh.. sekarang young but not so dangerous anymore :P
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