I'm suffering from backache due to the bus ride from kl to Penang last nite..tu laaa..tunjuk hero sgt mcm boleh survive naik bus...skali seat takleh recline..bengong punya bas...So, here i am at home..mc aa apa lagi..nak bangun pun tak larat..end up on my bed jer la..while writing this..
Owhh...paid a visit to the clinic earlier this morning with mummy..alang2 i asked the doc to perform an ultrasound check up hehehe..Baby was fine but need to gain more weight..i tot i ate soooo much..more than enuff but i was wrong...stakat nak mkn byk lagi tadak hal lah bb..!!! owhh..and mummy was sooo excited to know bout the gender. Skali ambik..nampak seketul...the scrotum aaa..so, the doc sed 80% bb boy la..suka ah mummy hehehe...nenek muda nih sorang nih....
What happened last weekend
For nud n me, we already started on buying baby's clothing. Mix colors of red..pink..blue..yellow..white...green..u name it..be it boy or girl..semua leh pakai..we had a nice time doing the shopping right ira and ted ??
After doing some nice shopping on babies clothings..we went straight to minum2 kat OU..nud came up with such a BRILLIANT idea of wanting to see REMP-IT the movie and Ted agreed...Oh MY!!!...merempit our babies dalam perut during the movie..not much to comment on the movie..takder aa teladan baik yg boleh diikut melainkan jgn lupa bagi salam..rempit rempit gak and solat jgn lupa...Owh..ted habis ah..dia dah dapat tag line baru which is "ADA BRANNNN "...that stands for ada berani?? hehehe...tp " sancho!! when u're a man...sometimes u wear stretchy pants..in your room..it's for fun " tak dilupakan...hahahhaha...abih aaa ira..!!!!
sancho nuzaihan !!
ada brannn ??
it was fun outing kan! ;)
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