Cuba teka..gambar apakah ini ????
Just got back from BM Specialist. Result of my urine test still indicates that the infection still persist..mangkuk ayunnnnn!!!! dahtu bila leh posa nih..isk..isk..takmau aa ganti lelama..uwaa...uwa!!!
By today i can submit my maternity leave application already..the doctor has adjusted my due date to one week later. Reason being is my company will let me go 2 weeks earlier than my due date.Rugi ah..let say tak beranak lg time tuh then my 2 weeks leave is wasted.. Baik cuti lama after giving birth kan..kan..kan
gbr ur baby!!!!?kan?kan!
kita ganti pose sesama laa npknye..hehehe
ira: yup..gambar my baby but this scan pic focused only one part of his body heheheh..which is.....nanti aa ckp :-D
patut la aku blur... gmbar apa pulak ni??
ermmm sure tak sabar nak tunggu dia keluar kan
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