Blood TestLast thursday i went for a check up and padan muka kena amik darah..but this time it wasn't like the previous one..eiii..slamat posa..nak je terkeluar obscene words..sakit gila!!...tgk pic nih..those area yg blue black..panjang gila..mana taknya..memula cucuk kuar darah sket then she selamber tolak the needle deeper and deeper..tegak japp bulu roma tahan sakit..ikutkan hati nak jek aku spank nurse yang duk cucuk tuh...

Blk Kg Padang Besar
Blk kg sat..bukak posa in padang besar. Went back with sayang's family..the weather was clear ..and the ambience was just too lovely eventhough it did rain during the evening..once in a while terasa gak nk duk kg..tp boleh ke idup kalo tadek streamyx..supermarket semua ??? what i like most about mak tok's place is the compound..pokok nyioq..ciku..rambutan..mata kucing..cili..palas..u name it..u can just pluck it..so, i did asked my sayang to get me some young coconuts to break the fast..slamat pokok tuh kontot..senang capai takyah panjat..guna tangga dah...

Little Baby Asha
This was the most exciting.. paid a visit to Meru Heights, Ipoh to see this little darling of Ted and Ira..comeyyy aaa..baik jek..eventhough we cakap kuat2, nih dedi dia dgn my sayang aaa..duk try2 camera dia leh wat dek jek..tido..sure ikut dedi dia ah nih..by the time nak blk..she passed motion hahaha...pastu buat muka blur..cute tul..:-D ira, tgk asha..i just can't wait for my turn to come eventhough it is sooo nerves wrecking to think about the labour pain..nanti leh aa 2-2 babies kawan kan..i had ira's pics too but she forbids me from uploading them..ala ira..ok jek..sama je lawa mcm dulu, in fact u look more radiant aaa :-D so, gambar ted je lah yg lepas...
oh..kakak is seating for her PMR Exams the whole week. Gud luck kakak!!!!i'll pray that u'll get straight A's..!!! u really deserve it !!!!
thanks aunty leen+uncle nud for visitin me(and mommy+daddy too),..me cant wait for aunty's lil one to play wif,then later we can all go family holiday together2 :)
mana bleh nih !!
letak gambar tadek permission
leh saman nih ..
*btw tq sbb tak bwk barang ek .. haha
bb asha: 2 months to go asha..then you can play ball with him hehhee..
ted: saman? iskk..mata $$$ tul lah dedi cool nih hehehe
aeyya: panggil asha..btol tak mommy ira..haaa..aku tak cerewet punya hehehe..pape pun ok..bkn mcm dedi cool..ahaks *pis dedi
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